Die Hochlander Hexenjaeger (Mordheim – Witch Hunters) 2014

In the dark temporal forest of 2014, Games Workshop Adelaide began hosting a monthly paint club. Each month we picked a single model and everyone in the club painted it to the best of their abilities for the prize of picking the next model. It was an expensive game, but one that really pushed you learn knew techniques and learn from one another.

One of the models to be release that year was a Finecast Warrior Priest, who I painted up as a Witch Hunter, complete with burning brazier and eye-patch. This was my first time painting realistic fire (white at the base, darker to the top, rather than the other way round), and also such fine clothing details. The tartan wasn’t really the most… thematically Germanic choice, but it was a stylistic choice to represent hardened woodsmen from the realm of Hochland.

After painting the Witch Hunter, I just had to keep going. The grittiness and personality of Mordheim really entranced me. I had to make some sort of gothic fantasy fighting force of desperados and zealots, and so was born the Hochlander Hexenjäger!

Die Hochlander Hexenjâger

8 thoughts on “Die Hochlander Hexenjaeger (Mordheim – Witch Hunters) 2014

  1. These are great man but please explain the fire being upside down? Believe it or not I’ve only just started getting into Mordheim haha. I’m kind of slow on the uptake. Nice to see a local on here too, well from Australia at least.


    • Cheers, mate 🙂 Mordheim is a really great setting.

      It’s pretty common for people to paint fire starting with red, building up to yellow or white at the tip of the flame. It’s a sort of cartoony, logical way of painting, but in reality we should be painting it ‘upside down’, ie, white where the fire is hottest!

      Liked by 1 person

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